Thursday, November 21, 2019

What are tri-party repos?

What are tri-party repos?

Overnight funds predominantly invest their funds in overnight tri-party repos.

Let us first understand the meaning of a "repo", which is short for “repurchase transaction”. A repo is a form of short term borrowing, where the borrower sells securities to the lender, and repurchases them a mutually agreed higher price at a future date. For example, if Mr X needs to borrow Rs. 100, he may sell securities to

Mr Y (the lender) at Rs. 100, and repurchase those securities later (at a pre-decided date) for a pre-decided price of Rs. 102.

In substance, Mr X has borrowed Rs. 100, and paid Rs. 2 as interest on the borrowing. The securities exchanged in the transaction act as a collateral for a lender. A repo, is therefore, economically similar to a loan transaction.

However, the above described transaction is a bilateral repo, where only two parties (the borrower and the lender) are involved.

On the other hand, a tri-party repo is a repo transaction in which a third-party, or a "Tri-party agent", acts as an intermediary between the borrower and the lender. In India, the Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. (CCIL) acts as the tri-party agent. The tri-party agent is responsible for services such a collateral selection, payment and settlement, margin requirement and calculations, and custody and management of the collateral during the life of the transaction. In India, CCIL therefore acts as the central counterparty to all trades in the Tri-party Repo Dealing System (TREPS). Government securities and treasury bills are usually allowed as collateral.
Investors in overnight funds are usually looking for relatively safer investment avenues that will help them
preserve their capital for a short period of time (as short as a day), and at the same time help them earn returns in line with the risk free rate. TREPS fulfil this exact requirement. By investing in TREPS with an overnight maturity, and because CCIL acts as a trusted intermediary, there is almost little to no default risk.

Overall, the introduction of TREPS is playing a very important role in expanding the repo market and facilitating its development. It helps market participants to use underlying collateral more efficiently and also aims to improve liquidity in the repo market.

Sources: Various publications

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